2ch関連フィルタ Edit

-100, -200, -300 などのリンクを追加 Edit

Name = "2ch: add fragment links [2011-08-26]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "([^/]++.|)2ch.net/test/read.cgi/[^/]+/[0-9]+/"
Limit = 512
Match = "<a\s[^>]+>1-</a> "
Replace = "$STOP()"
          "<a href="\0-100">-100</a> "
          "<a href="\0101-200">-200</a> "
          "<a href="\0201-300">-300</a> "
          "<a href="\0301-400">-400</a> "
          "<a href="\0401-500">-500</a> "
          "<a href="\0501-600">-600</a> "
          "<a href="\0601-700">-700</a> "
          "<a href="\0701-800">-800</a> "
          "<a href="\0801-900">-900</a> "
          "<a href="\0901-">-1000over</a> "


基礎Be番号表示&ハイライト Edit

2ch.sc Edit

ユーザープロフィールがこんな感じになる。 be-highlight.png テスト用リンク 2

be 全ID生成・解析所 の結果から無理矢理作ってみた。結果は保証しない。

  1. ./html/ に filegetBeKiso.js を DL
  2. 以下のフィルタを導入
    Name = "2ch.sc Be highlight [2014-04-05]"
    Active = TRUE
    URL = "be.2ch.sc/test/p.php\?"
    Limit = 10
    Match = "20[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]"
    Replace = "\0<br><b style="background-color:#FAA">\1</b>"
    "<script type="text/javascript" src="http://local.ptron/getBeKiso.js"></script>"
    "<script type="text/javascript">"
    "var _d = document;"
    "var kiso = getBeKiso(\9);"
    "_d.write('<p><b>&#x57fa;&#x790e;be&#x756a;&#x53f7;:</b><a href="http://kiki.mods.jp/be/stalker.php?id=' + kiso + '&board=poverty">' + kiso + '</a>"
    " [<a href="http://ame.hacca.jp/sasss/log-be.cgi?i='+kiso+'">sure rireki</a>]"
    "switch (kiso) {"
    "	case 21:"
    "		_d.write('<p><b style="background-color:#FAA">***** Hiroyuki (2ch Administrator)</b></p>');"
    "		break;"
    "	case 396:"
    "		_d.write('<p><b style="background-color:#FAA">*** muhomuho</b></p>');"
    "		break;"
    "	case 25666:"
    "	case 102945:"
    "		_d.write('<p><b style="background-color:#FAA">**** Ribbon no ossan = Ribbon chan (BillMen)</b></p>');"
    "		break;"
    "	case 21023:"
    "		_d.write('<p><b style="background-color:#FAA">**** Tyuugokuzumi</b></p>');"
    "		break;"
    "	case 98707:"
    "		_d.write('<p><b style="background-color:#FAA">* Nida = Anago</b></p>');"
    "		break;"
    "	case 232258:"
    "	case 219384:"
    "	case 232271:"
    "	case 13837:"
    "		_d.write('<p><b style="background-color:#FAA">* CopipeBloger</b></p>');"
    "		break;"
    "	case 284985:"
    "	case 311054:"
    "	case 236386:"
    "	case 289621:"
    "		_d.write('<p><b style="background-color:#FAA">* CopipeBloger (Funapon)</b></p>');"
    "		break;"
  3. 「case 数字:」辺りを弄って、色々なコテハンの真偽判定に使ってください。

レスポップアップ Edit


画像直リン&ポップアップ Edit

../ResPopup(リストのみでおk)&../Image Popup(ファイルのみでおk)

Name = "2ch direct image (lightbox_plus.js) (1/2) [2014-03-26]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "($LST(cache_prefix)|)$LST(respopup) | $TST(uesc_url=$LST(respopup)*)"
Limit = 256
Match = "(^(^</head>|<body))$STOP()"
Replace = "<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://local.ptron/lightbox_plus/lightbox.css" />\r\n"
          "<script type="text/javascript" src="http://local.ptron/lightbox_plus/spica.js"></script>\r\n"
          "<script type="text/javascript" src="http://local.ptron/lightbox_plus/lightbox_plus.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>\r\n"

Name = "2ch direct image (lightbox_plus.js) (2/2) [2016-04-17]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "($LST(cache_prefix)|)$LST(respopup) | $TST(uesc_url=$LST(respopup)*)"
Bounds = "<a\s*>"
Limit = 512
Match = "<a\0href=$AV((http(s|)://)\8(ime.nu/(http(s|)://|)\8|jump.2ch.net/\?(http(s|)://|)\8|)([^#?]++.(jpeg|jp[eg](:large|)|gif|png|ico))\#([?&#]*|)\#)\1>$SET(9=\@)"
Replace = "<a\0href="\8\9"\1 rel="lightbox1" target="_self"><img src="\8\9" style="max-width:100%;border:1px" /><br />"

AAが崩れないフォントにする Edit

Name = "2ch set mona font [2014-04-14]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "($LST(cache_prefix)|)([^/]++.|)(2ch.(net|sc)|blogban.net)/"
Limit = 512
Match = "(^(^<body))"
Replace = "$STOP()"
          "<style type="text/css">"
          "body { font-family: "MS PGothic", Mona }"

メールアドレス欄の内容を表示&ハイライト Edit

Name = "2ch show mail [2017-01-27]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "($LST(cache_prefix)|)([^/]++.|)(2ch.(net|sc)|bbspink.com|blogban.net)/"
Limit = 512
Match = "<a href=$AV(mailto:(sage(\s*|)$SET(0=#ddf;color:blue)|soko(\s*|)$SET(0=#fdf;color:purple)|*$SET(0=#fdd;color:red))\1)>(([^<]+((^</a>)<|))+)\2"
Replace = "<a style="background-color:\0" href="mailto:\1">\2 : [\1]"

2ch.scに転載された2ch.netの書き込みを非表示、それ以外の書き込みの背景を赤色にする Edit

Name = "2ch.sc .netID display:none [2014-04-14]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "($LST(cache_prefix)|)([^/]++.|)2ch.sc/"
Limit = 128
Match = "ID:[^<]++(.net$SET(9=;display:none)|$SET(9=#fcc))"
        " ($NEST(<a\s,</a>)|) <dd&&\0"
Replace = "\0 style="background-color:\9""

2ch.scに転載された2ch.netの書き込みの背景を灰色に、それ以外の書き込みの背景を赤色にする Edit

Name = "2ch.sc .netID highlight [2014-04-14]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "($LST(cache_prefix)|)([^/]++.|)2ch.sc/"
Limit = 128
Match = "ID:[^<]++(.net$SET(9=#bbb)|$SET(9=#fcc))"
        " ($NEST(<a\s,</a>)|) <dd&&\0"
Replace = "\0 style="background-color:\9""

黒テーマ+AAが崩れないフォント Edit

Name = "2ch black theme [2017-01-27]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "($LST(cache_prefix)|)(^info.2ch.net/)([^/]++.|)(2ch.(net|sc)|bbspink.com)/"
Limit = 512
Match = "(^(^<(/head|body)))"
Replace = "$STOP()"
          "<style type="text/css">"
          "body, .block, .floated {"
          "	font-family: "MS PGothic", Mona;"
          "	background-color: #000 ! important;"
          "	color: #999;"
          "a:link { color: #55e }"
          "a:visited { color: #e5e ! important }"
          "a:hover { color: #e55 ! important }"
          "dd.prx_respopup { background-color: #1a1a1a }"
          "dd.prx_respopup div, dd.prx_respopup  i { color: #aaa ! important }"
          "textarea, input:not([type="submit"]):not([type="button"]):not([type="cancel"]) { background-color: #333; color: #888 }"
          "$('A[href ^= "http://jump.2ch.net/?"]').attr('target', '_blank');"
          "$('A:not([href ^= "http://jump.2ch.net/?"])').attr('target', '_self');"

壊れた外部リンクを修正 Edit

Name = "2ch fix external linkl [2017-01-16]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "($LST(cache_prefix)|)([^/]++.|)(2ch.(net|sc)|bbspink.com)/"
Limit = 512
Match = "<a([^>]++)\#\shref=$AV((http(s|)://jump.2ch.net/\?|)(http(s|)://(^"
Replace = "<a\# href="\0\1"\#>\0\1</a>"

添付ファイル: filegetBeKiso.js 463件 [詳細] filebe-highlight.png 267件 [詳細]
